In today’s fast-paced world, we often lose touch with how our minds and bodies are feeling. We often get caught up in our thoughts without actually thinking about how they are affecting our emotions and behaviours.
We can better understand ourselves and enjoy the world around us if we become more aware of the present moment. Our awareness of the present moment enables us to see things from a new perspective.
Meditation involves sitting silently and paying attention to your thoughts, sounds, breathing sensations, or parts of your body. The technique involves bringing your attention back whenever the mind wanders.
Meditation is a great way to relax. These classes are small (maximum 12 people) so they feel private and friendly, so anyone new to meditation will find them welcoming and certainly not intimidating.
These classes were designed to allow us to “step out of the rush”, “be present for 75 minutes” and rejuvenate our body, mind and spirit.
If you would like to participate in any of these classes. Please use the “Booking For Time To Meditate Classes” page to secure your place in one of my classes.
These classes are being held from 18 May 2023, bookings are now being taken, see link above to book your class:
Where: The White Rooms, 78 Norbreck Road, Blackpool, FY5 1RP, (adjacent to Norbreck Chiropody).
Start Time: Classes start at 7.00 pm so please arrive promptly 10 minutes before class starts for class registration.
Cost: £10.00 per person per class (please pay on arrival at registration, cash or card payments accepted).
Who can attend: Anyone aged 16 years and over can.
Things to bring with you: A warm top or blanket/rug (as you body temperature will naturally drop whilst meditating), also water to keep you hydrated and a cushion should you require one.
Please feel free to call me (in total confidence) if you have any questions about my meditation sessions or if you are not sure whether you will be able to meditate because of certain medical conditions, no question is a silly one!
Bookings are essential for these classes as the maximum numbers is 12 people.
Please Note: **If you cannot attend for whatsoever reason after you have made your booking then please ensure you cancel your space to allow others to join the class**.